How to Study for Exams - How to prepare for exams


How To Study - Studying for Exams

Here are some tips on studying for exams.  
Grade "A" is a result, Grade "F" is a result, wealth is a result, health is a result, illness is a result, your weight is a result, whatever you get at the end of your learning will be the result of what you planted in the process of your learning. We live in a world of cause and effect.

How to Study for Exams

  1. Start on Day One. You should always be studying for the next exam. Do a little each day, or at the very least start studying 2 – 3 days before the exam. Do NOT start studying the night before the exam. Cramming, while a time honored college tradition, just doesn’t work as well as spending time each day studying, especially with a math class.
  2. Get a Good Night’s Sleep. Get a good night’s sleep the night before the exam. It is important to be well rested and mentally sharp when you take the exam.
  3. Make a List of Important Concepts/Formulas. Review your notes and make a concise list of important concepts and formulas. Make sure you know these formulas and more importantly how to use them!
  4. Rework Homework Problems. Do not just read over the homework problems. Actually rework them. Writing down the steps will help you to remember them. Make sure that you try to do the problems without looking at the solutions.
  5. Rework Book/Notes Examples. Cover up the solutions to book or note examples and try to rework them. When looking for problems from the book don’t forget that most books have a review section at the end of each chapter that usually contains more problems.
  6. Look for Identifying Characteristics in Problems. While doing your homework you knew which section it came out of. This provided some clues as to the solution process. During an exam you won’t have this to help you. So, while reviewing your homework look for identifying characteristics that will give you clues on how to identify that kind of problem.
  7. Take a Practice Exam. Find some problems and treat them a practice test. Give yourself a time limit and don’t use your notes or book.

And Let this be your slogan:- “What you hear, you forget; what you see, you remember; what you do, you understand.” 

I Wish You Well In Your Forthcoming Exams.

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